Zechariah Part 10

As we move into chapter 10, we will ask ourselves if this has already been fulfilled or not. After all, some elements of unfulfilled prophecy sometimes look a lot like what has already happened.

There will be verses in this chapter that will tell us with utter finality that this really is a prophecy about the future. And the events unfolding as I write this, seem to show that this future is much closer than we thought.

So, let’s go hunting for those verses.

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Zechariah Part 9

Chapter 9 of Zechariah is a difficult one. It talks about the First Coming and the Millennium. About a new covenant that will be spread to the ends of the earth. It also seems to talk about the Redemption of Israel and Armageddon. Or, maybe not.

And, I have found that I made a mistake in dividing the three parts of this chapter.

Or, did I?

I figured a couple things out writing this, so you might get something new from this too.

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Zechariah Part 8

In chapter 7 of Zechariah, God speaks to the people with scorn, when they ask if they should continue weep and fast, telling them that they should have obeyed Him before Judah and Israel were destroyed. And, He spoke of their disobedience that cost them everything.

Then, in chapter 8, the Lord speaks two prophecies to Zechariah. The first shows His intent to build Zion and bless the people, but with some subtle conditions that we know that they did not follow.

However, the second prophecy is yet to be fulfilled, and hints at a new covenant.

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Zechariah Part 7

Zechariah 6 is the end of the vision that began in chapter 1. And, it also speaks again about the four horses, but it adds a something new to their description.

They are the Four Spirits that go forth from the Lord. And, they sound a lot like the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Chapter 6 ends with a crown for Joshua the High Priest, and how this six chapter prophecy will be confirmed. Even more important, this prophecy speaks of Jesus coming and building the Third Temple – the Body of Christ.

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Zechariah Part 6

Zechariah 5 provides us with an almost impossible challenge. And, I don’t know how much of what ANYONE says should be considered accurate. However, the wording seems to indicate a time in the future, a future where our civilization isn’t what it is today. And, it may be that the Land of Shinar becomes something that we wouldn’t have expected.

Furthermore, we have some fantastic imagery, a flying scroll, the only time that we have ever seen female angels described in the Bible, a woman who represents wickedness and the basket that she is carried is about nine gallons.

This is heavy stuff, so let’s dig in.

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Zechariah Part 5

Zechariah 4 shows us yet another direct connection with the Book of Revelation. This time, it is the two Olive Trees and the Two Witnesses that we see in Revelation 11. But, there is one difference. In Zechariah 4 there is one candlestick and in Revelation there are two. And, the candlestick in Zechariah is described differently than the one in Revelation.

Is this difference significant?

We also see the Seven Eyes which are the Seven Spirits of God that go through all the earth. They are also talked about in Revelation 5 AND Zechariah 3.

Are you starting to see how important Zechariah is?

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Three Warnings

Over the past few days, I have seen three warning signs of trouble ahead. You will have seen none of them in the mainstream media. You won’t even have seen them in any of the ‘alternative’ media. In fact, you wouldn’t have ANY chance of seeing them, unless you were watching key information sources in two of the three areas we will talk about.

But, if the right people start making the right decisions, right now… we can avoid short term disaster. We might even avoid longer term disaster. Unfortunately, I don’t see any ‘right decisions’ being made.

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Zechariah Part 4

Zechariah 3 gives us prophetic visions of the past and the future. It also raises a few questions and shows us when Zechariah began his ministry. And, we will yet again see a direct connection with the Book of Revelation, as well as a few interesting translation errors.

We will see one of the few conditional prophecies, as well as phrases that are hard to pin down. Timing is everything, and there are a couple of phrases here that I bet have tripped up many people.

Oh, and the unfulfilled prophecies database has a new home.

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Zechariah Part 3

Zechariah 2 is yet another difficult chapter in two parts. The first is a prophecy of how big Jerusalem will be and that God will be a wall of fire around her and that He will be the glory in the midst of the city.

The second part speaks of God calling the people of Israel from the North, to the Land of Israel. Furthermore, He also speaks of being in their midst and many nations joining themselves to them.

The question is…

Has any of this happened yet?

Let’s see if we can answer that.

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Zechariah – A Biblical Overview, Chapter 1 – Part 2

Zechariah is the second-to-last prophet in the Hebrew Scriptures, and he is the last prophet to be murdered by Israel. And, when you read the Book of Malachi, you can see why Zechariah was murdered. Malachi also shows us that the prophecies of Zechariah are not for Second Temple Israel.

Even though Zechariah also speaks about his present day, the prophecies about the Last Days are the most powerful. When we get to the last chapter, there won’t be any confusion over whether he is a prophet of the Last Days. However, we have yet to start with Chapter 1.

So, let’s do that.

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