This brought back memories that I didn’t really want to relive. Like how you can tell the difference between a bomb and a sonic boom. When you hear three ambulance sirens, that it’s a terrorist attack. What an Apache helicopter sounds like, when it’s hovering over your apartment. Or when you are sitting in bed while the Tanzim militia are shooting up your neighborhood.
That was the Second Intifada, and the West isn’t ready for when it begins in Europe and then starts burning down the United States. And yes, that is exactly what’s going to happen, unless something changes.
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Dear Infidels: A Warning to America
When I left for Israel in late ’92, I thought that I knew what the Arab-Israeli conflict was all about. I had eight years of university. I was 25 and thought that I knew all that I needed to know about anything.
I was clueless.
Unfortunately, most Israelis were clueless too. I remember my first bus bombing. I could see the smoke rising just a block away. Body parts were strewn across Jaffa street, thrown up onto people’s balconies, with bits of human flesh plastered against building walls. It was 1996, and the second Bus 18 bombing that year.
Hamas was behind those bombings, and I saw the jubilation of the Palestinians at the brutal death of so many Jewish Israelis. The international media portrayed the suicide bombings as desperate actions of a people seeking freedom from Israeli oppression. But I knew that the Palestinians weren’t being oppressed, and the jubilation by the family members of the Hamas bus bombers was completely out of character for a people ‘fighting to be free’.
I Get A Clue
Finally, I realized that, under Islam, the only sure way to paradise, was to die fighting for Islam. Much later, I realized that such a shaheed could pick people to go to paradise with him. That’s when it clicked.
For the Muslim, the only sure way to heaven was violent Jihad. Otherwise your good works would need to outweigh your bad. And, for many Palestinians with a criminal past, who later became devout in their faith, they really only had one option.
Then, we discovered that these Hamas bombers were also securing the future of their loved ones. The family of every terrorist would be given a house with everything they needed, paid for by Hamas.
This is why Israel has taken the desperate measure of blowing up the house of every terrorist. It was one of the few things that stemmed the tide of suicide bombings. But, even as Israel was fighting a desperate defense against Hamas, they still didn’t really understand them.
Israel’s Big Mistake
They didn’t understand that this was a religious war. There were some who ‘got it’, but the average Israeli just couldn’t understand that the Palestinians believed that death via Jihad was the only sure way to paradise. It was too foreign to a culture that valued life so much.
How ironic that Israel originally thought of Hamas as a way to fight back against the PLO, who had started the First Intifada in 1987, which ended in 1993, a year after I arrived in Israel. The Fatah faction of the PLO was secular, and Israel thought that supporting Hamas could neutralize Fatah. They discovered how big a mistake this was when Hamas began their own terrorism campaign a year after the First Intifada ended.
Worse, Israel found out that Hamas couldn’t be ‘bought off’. They weren’t in it for the money. They were religious fanatics. Hamas saw Israel as weak, because the Israeli motto was ‘to save a life’ – even if it was the life of those who hated them. To Hamas, the willingness to die for Islam was their strength, and they made sure that every child knew this from the moment that they could speak.
During this time, Israel’s Labor Party was desperate for peace, and were willing to do anything to get it. This led to the Oslo Agreements, which installed Yasser Arafat in the West Bank and Gaza. And, after he had gotten everything that he could have possibly gotten from Israel, he launched the Second Intifada, which began in 2000 and ended in late 2005.
Israel had decided to play the game of the-enemy-of-my-enemy-is-my-friend…
…and lost.
With the complete failure of the Oslo Peace plan, the Labor Party collapsed and a right wing government took over, with Ariel Sharon as the head. His plan for peace was ‘disengagement’. He pulled out of Gaza and began the building of the West Bank barrier.
Israelis hated the fact that they had to build a wall between them and the West Bank. They wanted peace, not a wall. But, the wall caused a dramatic drop in terrorist attacks, so The Wall became a thing.
Then, in late 2006, God pulled me out of Israel. Terror was still a huge problem. The Wall had not been completed yet, and everyone in Jerusalem was still nervous about the next attack. When I returned to Israel in 2010, with Mrs. Little, the entire environment had changed. Terrorism had dropped dramatically.
Why Islam Is The Problem
But wait…
Why does Islam teach that death by fighting for Islam is the only sure way to heaven?
It starts with the Qur’an. Muhammad started out in Mecca, preaching peace, love and happiness if you follow Allah. The leadership of Mecca considered this a threat to the worship of their pantheon of gods, so they drove him out.
Muhammad was a bit put out by this, and went to Medina, where he started preaching violence, war and glorious death. (Oh, and plundering your enemies.) The Medinan tribes were into that, especially when it came to the part about plundering your enemies. So, they started raiding caravans of infidels. Later, when Muhammad’s army was big enough, he took over a weakened Mecca and made it the capital of his religion.
So, when a Muslim talks peace love and happiness, tell him that he’s quoting the Meccan Surahs (chapters) and that you want to know about what he thinks about the Medinan Suras.
Meccan Surahs – Peace, Love and Happiness
Medinan Surahs – Violence, War and Death to the Infidel.
And, since the Medinan Surahs were written after the Meccan Surahs, all who are devout Muslims will claim that the Medinan Surahs abrogate (abolish) the Meccan Suras – which is why devout Muslims are all about Violence, War and Death to the Infidel. And, if a devout Muslim says that this is not true, then you should look up the surahs about lying to infidels. Taqiyyah is one of the more fun reasons to lie, but there are others.
Now, is every Muslim a potential terrorist?
Probably not. Most Muslim preachers (i.e., Imams) only tell their audience what they want to hear – usually the peace, love and happiness part. However, when they see a young person who is willing to go radical, that person is shown the parts of the Qur’an that the Imam doesn’t teach to the rest of the congregation. And THAT is why your local mosque is a breeding ground for violence, war, and death. And, if their congregation is fed enough Hamas propaganda, and is agitated enough, they can be radicalized as a group – which is what we are seeing right now.
Unfortunately, I see the Ride of the Red Horse (Revelation 6:3-4). I could be wrong, but I am very, very disturbed by the spread of Islam in Europe and Russia. Germany, France and the UK are already lost. And, I don’t see how any part of Europe will survive.
A Warning To America
All of this is background for a video that I came across this week from PragerU:
Dear Infidels: A Warning to America
None of what is in that video is a surprise to me in any way. When you spend 15 years in Jerusalem, you see and hear things that you would not hear or see anywhere else. So, allow me to confirm that every part of that video is true in every way.
This video is NOT hyperbole. There is no overstatement, amplification or embellishment in this video in any way. If anything, it only gives you a piece of the truth. But, there’s also a limit to how much truth you can pack into 21 minutes and 36 seconds. There’s also a limit to how much truth you can stand, if this is your first experience.
Even now, decades later, I still find it hard to tolerate fireworks.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
שאלו שלום ירושלים
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Because you have rejected knowledge,
I also will reject you… Hosea 4:6
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