A Prophecy Database

I have been working on a project for a few months that categorizes all the prophecies spoken by God through the prophets. The initial stage of this project is complete, and I am now getting ready to take a section of this database public.

I have been working against the clock on this, due to my uncertainty over how my Leukemia will progress. Praise God that this burden has been lifted from my shoulders, so I feel like I will be able to finish all phases of this project.

Details below.


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A Prophecy Database

Since Israel sits at the center of Last Days prophecy, I thought that it would be a good idea to go through what the prophets have said, and categorize those prophecies. And, I decided to do this because I’m finding a stunning level of ignorance among Christians over what God told us about the Last Days.

I blame our pastors, Bible teachers and seminaries for this. They have been teaching that the Hebrew Scriptures are largely irrelevant to the age of Christ that we live in. Yes, it is true that we are no longer bound by Torah, but the God of the Hebrews is also the same God that we worship. And, He doesn’t change.

Let me say that again so it’s extra clear:


So, when He says that something will happen in a certain way at a certain time, you had better believe it if you do not wish to be in rebellion against God. But it’s easy to fall into rebellion, when you don’t know what God said. Hopefully, this database of prophecy will help remedy some of this problem.

Maybe it will even shut the mouths of some of the anti-Semites who have been poisoning our churches. I’m not terribly optimistic that this will happen, but we can only do our best.

Here are a few numbers that might interest you:

From Isaiah to Malachi…

  • 338 passages are prophetic
  • 222 passages have been fulfilled
  • 164 have yet to be fulfilled
  • 48 are both fulfilled and unfulfilled
  • 111 speak of the Redemption of Israel
  • 74 speak of the Return of Israel to their land, while 14 of those passages say so without reference to Redemption
  • 14 speak of the Millennium
  • 3 are about the Antichrist
  • 10 describe Armageddon
  • 28 refer to a New Covenant
  • 30 passages speak of a massive global catastrophe that I call Ezekiel’s Fire
  • 8 talk about a global earthquake
  • 20 refer to Christians – not by name but by description
  • 47 describe the events of Gog and Magog
  • 44 passages had something in them that was hard to be sure about

WARNING: This is a first draft. I am also biased towards the Redemption of Israel and may have miss-categorized certain passages due to that bias. I also probably missed some prophecies, even though I worked hard not to.

Also, each passage usually contains quite a few verses. However, some passages have only one or two.

Again, I am just concentrating on the prophets from Isaiah to Malachi. Once those go in, I will start adding prophecies from the New Testament, Psalms and Torah.

If you want a copy of this database, you will need to install Obsidian, which is a great note taking application that is completely free for personal use. You can find it here:


Once you’ve installed Obsidian, I can send you a zip file of the vault. All that you will need to do is unzip the file to a location you like (usually your documents folder) and then tell Obsidian to open the vault.

The zip should be about 1mb in size.

If you receive an email from me with a zip file, and have not requested it… delete it. I will ONLY send this file to those who request it. No one else.

For those who want to see what others have said about Obsidian, go here:

Alternative To – Obsidian

I value input, so I am happy for any of you to check my work and offer suggestions. I can’t promise to implement every suggestion, but I will pay attention to them.

Again, the main focus is about the Redemption of Israel. And, I will be making that part of this database available online within a couple weeks, Lord willing. Over time, this project will increase in size and become more user-friendly. And, there will probably be a book.

Why Is My Leukemia Outlook Better?

About a month ago, I mentioned that I was being considered for a drug trial that was testing a new medication that would help people live longer with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL). I didn’t have a lot of hope that I would be included in this drug trial, since I had already been rejected – even though my oncologist had reapplied, requesting a waiver.

Taiwan needed to supply 28 CLL patients that had not yet gone through chemotherapy, and you would think that a population of 23 million could supply plenty of those. Well apparently not, for completely Taiwanese reasons. Apparently, most Taiwanese who get CLL ask for Chemo almost immediately. They’re not into the ‘watch and wait’ strategy, which means that Taiwan was having trouble finding 28 CLL patients for this Phase 3 trial.

From watching this process unfold, it appears that I am literally the 28th patient in all of Taiwan. They couldn’t find anyone else. And, I completely sympathize with their effort to find someone who was Taiwanese for this. After all, they wanted to know if this drug would help the people of Taiwan, and not some over-opinionated, over-tall foreigner. So, they were scraping the bottom of the barrel when they put my name back on the list.

Then on Wednesday afternoon, they loaded up all 28 names, and pushed the ‘randomize button’ so that each of us would be randomly chosen to take one of the three drugs that were being offered – two that were already FDA-approved and the test drug, nemtabrutinib.

Wednesday night, I found out that I was getting the test drug. And praise God for that, since the side effects of the other two drugs were a little… um …scary. Yeah. Scary. This drug also has side effects, but so far they have been bearable.

Will this cure my CLL?

Nope. So far, nothing does. And, there’s every reason to believe that I could lose access to this drug for any number of reasons at almost any time. However, I’m not worried about that. I’m just praising God that I have some breathing room.

It’s hard to work, when you know that there will be a point in which you won’t be able to. And, I knew that this point was approaching quickly, if something didn’t put a stop to it real soon. And, I was trusting God that He would do what needed to be done.

And, He did.

At the perfect time.

Praise God for His perfect timing.

I can’t tell you how grateful I am that He intervened to lighten this burden so that I could keep going. This is still a hard road, but the knowledge that I have some extra time has helped a lot. To God be the glory, forever and ever, amen.

And, for all who have been praying for me… thank you so very much.


Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
שאלו שלום ירושלים


My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Because you have rejected knowledge,
I also will reject you… Hosea 4:6


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I created five Android Apps that will help you read through the Bible in a Year. You can find them here:


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