Important Note For Those With CLL

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor. Nor am I giving medical advice. All that I am doing is relating my personal experience with a specific supplement that you can buy over the counter.

As you know, I was diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) about three and a half years ago. My White Blood Cell Count (WBC) started out at 30 thousand and steadily climbed about five thousand a month, with one relapse, until I got to about 70 thousand last year. From there, my CLL accelerated to 151 thousand a month ago. My platelet counts were crashing. My spleen was enlarged. It seemed that I was on the fast track towards chemotherapy.

This is when I came across a patient study that used massive doses of EGCg, an extract from Green Tea. The Mayo Clinic had done a pilot study with some positive results, and a team of University research professors used that pilot study to give one patient massive doses of EGCg every day – 2000mg in the morning and 2000mg in the evening. For a period of months.

It literally eliminated all of his leukemia cells, leaving him essentially cancer free. After eliminating his Leukemia, this patient only takes about 1200mg of EGCg a day, and was cancer free for three years up until the report was published in 2018.

The report is here:

You can find the patient’s personal account from 2017, here:

My Remarkable Journey with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

Since it looked like I had been rejected from the BTKi drug trial that had been offered to me, and with chemotherapy looming on the horizon, I was desperate to do something, anything if it had at least some chance of working.

And yes, I had promised God that I would not reject anything that He put in front of me, and it looked like this was it. This was dropped in my lap, and I went for it.

So, I bought three bottles of EGCg (Green Tea Extract 400mg) from and started taking as much as my body could handle. I started out with 800mg in the morning and 800mg in the evening. I then quickly ramped up to 2000mg in the morning and 2000mg in the evening. I got through the whole bottle in less than a month. That was hard on my digestive system, but I kept at it until my next blood test.

In just three and a half weeks my White Blood Cell Count went from 151 thousand to 101 thousand. I literally lost 50 thousand cancer cells during the time I was taking EGCg.

I also suffered no liver function damage and all other vital signs were fine – except for a rather messed up digestive system and an even more enlarged spleen that was having to process all the dying cancer cells. It was a fantastic outcome, and I could hardly believe it.

The question is… will it work for you?

I don’t know. There are three different DNA mutations that cause CLL. I don’t yet know which one is mine. Also, I’m in my mid-to-late 50s and have had a rather active life. It might not work as well for those who are older with more difficult health conditions. If you do try this, work with your doctor to monitor liver function and other vital signs.

Just remember that I’m not a doctor, and what worked for me might not work for you. All that I can do is relate my personal experience and let you make your own decisions.

An ironic twist

Remember how I told you that I promised God to do whatever He set in front of me?

Well, when I walked into the office of my oncologist this week to get that fantastic report, a nurse specialist was standing there. I had met with her before, to apply for that BTKi drug trial six months previously and then to be rejected (for truly bogus reasons).

This time, she had good news. She said that I my reapplication was accepted, and that I was accepted as a candidate for the trial.

But, what is the ironic twist?

The dramatic irony of this situation is that the massive drop in my Leukemia cells, due to my intake of EGCg, might actually disqualify me from the drug trial. Tuesday marks the beginning of a series of evaluations that will last six weeks. At the end of that six week period, I will know if I fit the criteria they are looking for in their drug trial.

They need to make sure that this drug will help others with CLL, and they want the right kind of cancer patient. And, my dramatic drop in Leukemia cells might tell them that I am NOT the right kind of cancer patient.

So, if I get bumped out of this trial, it will be due to the fact that EGCg was so successful, and it will be a truly ironic moment. But, it will also be God’s Will, and I will go back to EGCg, even if it makes my digestive system completely miserable. (Which I hate with a passion.)

God is good, and He will guide me to the right place at the right time with the right drug/supplement so that I can finish what He has called me to do.

I’ve had miracles happen in my life. So, I know that God is more than willing to give me more of them, until He calls me home.