Three Warnings

Over the past few days, I have seen three warning signs of trouble ahead. You will have seen none of them in the mainstream media. You won’t even have seen them in any of the ‘alternative’ media. In fact, you wouldn’t have ANY chance of seeing them, unless you were watching key information sources in two of the three areas we will talk about.

But, if the right people start making the right decisions, right now… we can avoid short term disaster. We might even avoid longer term disaster. Unfortunately, I don’t see any ‘right decisions’ being made.


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Three Warnings

Depending on who is chosen to lead the countries of the developed world, the problems that we’ll talk about here will either become immediately serious, or something that we will have time to deal with. And, I’m afraid that we’ve already seen amazingly incompetent leadership in Germany, Australia, America, Canada, the UK… well, actually every country in the world seems to be losing its mind.

The madness that has gripped the halls of power is difficult to comprehend. And no, this is not some grand conspiracy. Competent conspirators would not destroy their own base of power. And, too many decades ago, I had a chance to meet some to of these ‘conspirators’, and I was deeply unimpressed.

So, what are these three warnings that have me so concerned?

  • Uranium production
  • Oil Reserves and production
  • America’s lost will to fight

And, that last one may be the most important.


Someone – mostly China – realized that they needed to build as many nuclear power plants as possible, because someone pointed out that the availability of coal and oil were going to be a huge problem really soon. This means that Uranium consumption is starting to rise quickly. But, this graph demonstrated that we are in serious trouble:

We don’t have enough uranium to create the fuel rods that we need to power the nuclear reactors that we already have. And, the problem will get worse as new reactors in China and elsewhere come on line.

Have you heard anyone say anything about what they will do about this?

No, of course not.

Now, is there enough uranium in the ground to mine, refine and then process into fuel rods?

Yes. Yes, there is. But, I’m not hearing many politicians approving new Uranium mines. And, the cost of Uranium is going to go up. It’s currently about $40/kg, but it will soon shoot up to $260/kg, just to get it out of the ground and processed. By they way, this means that ore grades for Uranium are going to be falling.

The germ ‘ore grade’ is vitally important in any discussion about our future. And, I found this video that does a good job describing the importance of ore grades and what it means when they decline. Unfortunately, the video is in a rather stilted AI voice, and without graphics. But, it’s a good first step for you to look into this. You REALLY need to understand ‘ore grades’.

ore grade definition – ore grade estimation – ore grade calculation

Why is this important?

Well, when you hear of an important resource suffering from ‘declining ore grades’, you know that there’s trouble ahead if people don’t start making good decisions. And, there one quote about people making good decisions that I will never forget:

That is ALWAYS true, and when it comes to making the decisions required to keep the lights on, you can bet that our politicians will make all the wrong decisions until it is too late to make the right ones. For instance, Germany not only shut down their nuclear power plants, but they are now blowing them up.

And, for those of you in GodBlessAmerica?

We have only had one nuclear power station completed in the last 30 years.

But, that’s just disaster one, we’ve got two more to talk about.

Oil Reserves And Oil Production

Kamala Harris is running for President of the United States, and she has sworn to shut down all oil production from hydraulic fracturing – i.e. fracking. If she wins this election, the world will descend into a World War over oil – just like both previous world wars. (And yes, they were about oil.)

Here’s the graph from Exxon Mobile charting this disaster, even if Trump wins:

I’m sorry, but I don’t see how we survive this, unless there is a truly massive increase in oil drilling. And yes, that includes fracking. Even then, I’m not sure how much viable oil is out there.

Without transportation fuel, we’re doomed. Period.

We fought two world wars over access to transportation fuel, and we are going to fight another one for transportation fuel. And, there’s less of it in the ground than ever before. Even Saudi Arabia has told everyone that they are unable to produce above 12 million barrels a day without doing permanent damage to their oil fields.

Saudi Arabia tried to walk that statement back, but only a fool would believe it. If Saudi has hit peak, others will have too – without telling anyone about it.

And, that means war, which is the third disaster we need to talk about.

America Lost Its Will To Fight

I hate war with a passion. But, if you want to avoid going to war, you need to be willing, ready and good at fighting them to defeat any threat. There is no other way to avoid war, unless the bad guys are too far away to get you.

Unfortunately, America has been demonstrating a complete lack of willingness to fight. Yes, they have sent ships to this place and that place. They’ve done ‘freedom of navigation’ exercises. But, when push comes to shove, they have failed.

The failure of the United States Navy to stop the Houthi blockade of the Red Sea has communicated to everyone that America either can’t fight, or won’t. And, it’s actually both.

According to leaks from planning sessions about how to deal with Houthi attacks on Red Sea shipping, aggressive plans to neutralize the Houthis were put forward and shot down. We don’t know who denied these plans to permanently neutralize the Houthi threat, but it demonstrates to our worst enemies that we no longer have the will to fight.

But, it gets worse.

The United States Navy has been forced to sideline 17 ships due to a lack of manpower. The US Navy is already understrength and lacking in enough funding to build the ships they need. They have also made poor decisions on what ships to build. This means that America’s traditional role of protecting trade routes is over. It was the number one reason why the US Navy was created, and it has been it’s number one mission since then.


Now, the US Navy is in decline, right at the time when global war is starting to look imminent.

Right now, global strategists are talking about a global axis of power rising, with Russia, China and Iran combining forces to challenge the West. However, I suspect that these global strategists are missing some important points – which might provide some temporary hope.

(Just remember that hope isn’t a strategy.)

Russia is crumbling. Whatever success they might achieve in Ukraine will be a Pyrrhic Victory. Russia’s best soldiers and weapons have been destroyed, and their capacity to replace these losses is declining. They are also in demographic decline. This will be the last fighting generation for Russia. In a few years they will not be able to adequately guard their borders and maintain internal control over separatist elements far from Moscow. And, they will be vulnerable to any outside power.

China is also suffering demographic collapse, and its economy is in free-fall. And, we won’t know how bad the situation is until internal conflict turns into armed conflict. China has a long history of warlords trying to take power, and that bloody history seems ready to rise again. The question is whether they will seek to invade any of their neighbors first.

If they invade Taiwan, I will take that very personally.

Iran is still growing, but much more slowly than 50 years ago. Current growth rates are below replacement, and the movement of Iranians to metropolitan areas means that rural residents represent a smaller and smaller proportion of Iranian society. This means that Iran may be in for some trouble, since the core support for the Ayatollahs comes from rural areas.

Actually, that trouble is already manifesting in unrest in the cities. There’s a reason why it was so easy to assassinate the leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, in one of the most well-protected areas of Tehran. Israel has made common cause with Iranian insurgents, and this is unsettling for the Iranian leadership.

Who are we missing?


They are the one country that will be able to take advantage of the chaos that will spread across Asia. Their demographics are good. The have the largest military in Europe. And, that military is well equipped and ready to expand Turkey’s borders.

The one country that is a threat to this axis of evil, is Israel. Her demographics are great. She’s growing steadily. She has a strong economy – when not at war. And, as America retreats from the Middle East, Arab countries are looking to Israel for help against Iran.

There isn’t a single Arab country that has demonstrated anything but failure on the battlefield. Saudi Arabia was not able to neutralize the Houthis. Iraqi Arabs are completely dominated by Iran and the Shiite majority. And, the Egyptian army is hopelessly corrupt.

The only hope that the Arabs have is Israel’s ability to defeat the threat from Iran. This is why the ‘Abraham Accords’ were so successful. The Arabs desperately need what Israel can do for them, and if they can create a solid friendship… Israel will be the country that Turkey, Russia and Iran need to destroy if they are able to capture the Middle East.

Gog and Magog

Insane decisions and declining resources are pushing the world to war. One question is when, but the other one is how.

There are many possible ways this next war will play out. It could go nuclear, which no one seems interested in trying. It could become a slow, grinding conflict full of many regional struggles as strong neighbors attack weak ones. It could also include the breakup of large countries into many smaller ones as civil war sweeps across Asia.

But, will this next big war include the Gog and Magog described in Ezekiel 38 and 39?

I would say probably, but not necessarily. Remember that Gog and Magog comes down upon Israel when she is at peace and relatively defenseless. That isn’t where she is now, and doesn’t look like she will be at any time in the near future.

For Gog and Magog to happen, Iran will need to have its nuclear program destroyed, and military power temporarily defeated. Hezbollah will need to be completely eliminated as a threat. Funding for Palestinian foolishness will need to be cut off, and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt eliminated.

All of these are possible, but it would also mean that Israel will go back to the civil war that was brewing before the October 7th massacre. All of Israel’s top generals have demonstrated complete incompetence. They relied heavily on signals intelligence and ignored the warnings that human intelligence was giving them. And, Israel’s version of the Pentagon – the Kirya – needs to be cleaned out.

Like the US military, Israel’s IDF has become political. In America, you cannot be promoted above Lt. Colonel if you aren’t political. The same goes for Israel. Too many talented Lieutenant Colonels are being sent home because they weren’t part of the Tel Aviv Left. This needs to change, and change quickly if Israel is to have any hope for peace.

And yes, for those of you who do not know, a long enough peace in Israel always leads to a threat of civil war.


Our civilization is on the verge of collapse. What we once called the ‘Rules Based Order’ is starting to look tattered and useless. Insane decisions have made resource scarcity even worse, and our willingness to defend ourselves has disappeared.

If this disaster moves slowly enough, maybe saner minds will take power and avert immediate collapse. But, sanity seems to be in short supply at the moment. Even those who seem to have an above-room-temperature IQ still won’t address the core problems.

And, would there be civil war if they did?

I never expected such incredible levels of insanity. We are so completely out of touch with reality that I’m surprised that some things still work. Although Boeing has proven that quite a few things aren’t working.

And our churches?

What I hear online and from friends and family is hard to believe. The level of ignorance and arrogance is choking, and whole denominations have chosen rebellion against God.

May the Lord God of Heaven and Earth protect those of us who have stayed true to Him.


Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
שאלו שלום ירושלים


My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Because you have rejected knowledge,
I also will reject you… Hosea 4:6


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