Announcement – New Tool For Studying The Last Days

Hi Everyone,

It has been just over a month since I made a post. The reason is that I’ve been hard at work creating something vastly important in the face of so much ignorance about what the prophets said about the Redemption of Israel.

You can find the work that I’ve been doing, here:

Israel Saved
The Redemption of Israel spoken by God through the prophets

That site is very similar to one that I created earlier. However the emphasis was more general, and as I thought about it… a little harder to use. But, since it’s still a powerful site, I will keep it going. You can find it here:

Prophecies Unfulfilled
The words of God spoken through the Prophets that have not yet been fulfilled

I have been spending time in Facebook eschatology groups trying to understand what they believe and what they wish to not believe. And, I am greatly distressed at the absolute ignorance on display in these groups. And, we’re talking about people who are pastors, elders and those who should be mature Christians.

I have yet to find more than one or two people who even try to understand what God said through the prophets. I am truly astounded.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that I understand everything that the prophets said. And, I’m sure that I have mistakes in what I’ve written and the associations that I have made between one passage of scripture and another. Anyone who takes what I say at face value is foolish, and none of you are fools.

However, this ignorance needs to end and end quickly. We no longer have the luxury of ignoring what God said. We can see what God is doing as we speak. And no, I’m not saying that certain events are about to happen. All of you know that I’m bad at timing. But, we can see the direction that God is taking us, and it’s time to pay attention to that.

When will Gog and Magog come?

Not tomorrow. Not next year. Beyond that it gets a little cloudier. Israel’s current set of enemies need to be defeated, and defeated so badly that Israel will start to disarm.

And yes, Israel has a tendency to do that. It’s one of the reasons why October 7th happened in the first place. Israel desperately wants to be at peace. They want to stop having to send their children to the military. They want the wars and terrorism to end. And, we might be close to making that happen.

Again, how long will this take?

I don’t know, but I will be watching whatever they do very carefully.

I can say with a reasonable degree of confidence that Israel’s enemies are going to be neutralized soon. Israel doesn’t even need to destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities. All that they have to do is destroy their oil terminals.

That means blowing up Kharg Island and two more terminals inland, near Kharg Island. If Israel does that, 90% of all of Iran’s oil sales would be eliminated. And the Ayatollahs would collapse. And, all their funding of the Houthis, Hezbollah, Hamas and their nuclear weapons program would end.

Will that happen?

Well, the US finally has a president that might ‘allow’ it to happen. It certainly needs to happen. But, if it doesn’t, there is one more thing that could destroy Israel’s ability to defend herself.

A global economic meltdown.

The US federal government is adding a trillion dollars to the national debt, every 100 days. If something doesn’t happen quickly, America will need to default on its debt, and it will destroy her ability to support Israel. And, without that support, Israel will need rebuild her defense industries on her own, but Israel won’t have the money to do that because she depends on exports to fund her military. And exports won’t happen during a financial collapse.

I will certainly be talking about more of that going forward.

So, go and take a look at the new site, Israel Saved. I guarantee that you will find insights there that you didn’t have before. I know, because many of those took me by surprise myself.

May God bless you all,

John Little
Revelation Six