Important Note For Those With CLL

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor. Nor am I giving medical advice. All that I am doing is relating my personal experience with a specific supplement that you can buy over the counter.

As you know, I was diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) about three and a half years ago. My White Blood Cell Count (WBC) started out at 30 thousand and steadily climbed about five thousand a month, with one relapse, until I got to about 70 thousand last year. From there, my CLL accelerated to 151 thousand a month ago. My platelet counts were crashing. My spleen was enlarged. It seemed that I was on the fast track towards chemotherapy.

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Things I Got Wrong – Mea Culpa

We all get things wrong. All of us. The question is whether we will admit our errors. And, I can’t remember when a pastor or Bible teacher ever admitted an error. Maybe my memory is bad, but I have no memory of that ever happening.

That’s wrong.


Because it is literally impossible for a pastor or Bible teacher to never be wrong. And, it’s the number one reason why we must all be experts in the Word of God, so that we can challenge error in our teachers and pastors.

So, let’s talk about a few of my own errors.

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Dengue Fever In My Neighborhood And A Prayer Request

Hey Everyone, I live in the middle of the hottest hot spot for mosquito-borne diseases in Taiwan – Tainan. There’s always someone, somewhere in Tainan that is coming down with Dengue Fever, Malaria or Japanese Encephalitis. It’s a thing. And when one or more cases show up in your neighborhood, the Taiwanese government goes in and sprays everything in each house in the area to kill off any and all mosquitoes. So, guess what just happened in our neighborhood? Right. Dengue Fever. That means the government will be spraying everything in our house with a pyrethroid agent. And, if any of you who knows how… um …third world the Taiwanese government can be, you cannot trust that they will be … Read more