Dengue Fever In My Neighborhood And A Prayer Request

Hey Everyone, I live in the middle of the hottest hot spot for mosquito-borne diseases in Taiwan – Tainan. There’s always someone, somewhere in Tainan that is coming down with Dengue Fever, Malaria or Japanese Encephalitis. It’s a thing. And when one or more cases show up in your neighborhood, the Taiwanese government goes in and sprays everything in each house in the area to kill off any and all mosquitoes. So, guess what just happened in our neighborhood? Right. Dengue Fever. That means the government will be spraying everything in our house with a pyrethroid agent. And, if any of you who knows how… um …third world the Taiwanese government can be, you cannot trust that they will be … Read more

Good Eschatology, Part 2 – Resolving A Paradox

We ended last week’s discussion of Good Eschatology with a conundrum. A paradox. Isaiah 65:19-24 clearly fits with Zechariah 14 and Revelation 20.

The problem comes when we look at Isaiah 65:17 which appears to talk about what happens in Revelation 21, and not Revelation 20.

Does this throw out everything that we said about the Millennium?

No, of course not.

However, it does offer us a challenge. And, if we don’t stumble at this challenge – as some have – we will come away with more understanding than we did before. Remember that the Bible was specifically written so that those who rebel, will stumble and fall, while those who submit to God will obtain knowledge.

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What Is Good Eschatology?

Last week, I published my latest guide:

Bad Eschatology

Every mainline eschatology got a heavy dose of criticism, including the one that I call home. But, all of that begs the question:

What is good eschatology?

The short answer is that it isn’t a position. It’s not a doctrine. It’s a process.

Wait. What? A Process?

Yes. A process. It’s a way of looking at the prophecies of the Last Days, and then putting those pieces together in an orderly fashion that gives understanding about God’s plans.

And then, having the humility to admit that we probably got it wrong.

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Gog And Magog – A Strategic Assessment

People have been wondering if the coming of Gog and Magog is imminent. It’s a simple question with a very complicated answer, and even if you are not curious about the timing of this vast invasion of Israel, you will still benefit from the discussion. For those of you who want the short answer, here it is:

Until Turkey and Iran are allies, Gog and Magog is impossible.

We seem to be a very long way from that moment, but the Devil is literally in the details. When those details change, watch out for the worst moment in human history since the Great Flood. (Only the Great Tribulation will be worse.)

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War In Israel – Again

I was going to write about something else today, but it seems that events have overtaken the need to talk about Bible translation or eschatology.

But wait, how do we know that this isn’t about eschatology?

Well, of course it is, and I’ve lived through some of what is happening now during the Second Intifada while I was living in Jerusalem. I assure you that this is nothing new, and it is all a part of God’s plan.

Unfortunately, it still hurts to see Israel and Israelis suffer. May God give them peace, and may the day when they recognize their Messiah come soon.

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Three New Daily Reading Bibles

Sorry about going ‘no contact’ for the past month. I’ve been completely dedicated to getting three daily reading Bibles published on Android:

The Bible in Basic English – BBE

The Literal Standard Version – LSV

The World English Bible – WEB

The hard part is done. All that’s left is  to bundle them up into individual Android Apps and publish them on the Google Play store. This should happen rather quickly, since the core development for each app is already done.

The question is… what’s next?

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When Heroes Walk Among Us

There are times when you hear a story and feel the need to drop everything and talk about it. I have done this many times and have a collection of such stories. This one is about a man who created an electronic Bible application out of a love for God and His words:

Denys Dolganenko

His example inspired others to join him in his effort to spread the word of God. One of those men was Oleg Safonov.

Denys is Ukrainian

Oleg is Russian

Let that sink in…

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Why Israel?

Why do most Christians never ask the question?

Yes, I know that there are many, many Christians who love the Land of Israel and her people. It’s wonderful to see. But, few seem to step back and ask why.

Now, you aren’t a bad Christian if you don’t ask such questions, but there is a depth of meaning here that many of us forget, as we go about our lives seeking to serve God.

So, let’s ask the question:

Why Israel?

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Missing The Bigger Picture

We have become so intent on anticipating one tiny corner of the Last Days – the coming of the Antichrist – that we’ve missed the biggest part of End Times Prophecy. Yes, the Antichrist is one scary dude, and no one wants to be caught by his arrival. But, he’s only a small part of what’s happening.

More importantly, we’ve forgotten that Satan isn’t the one orchestrating the events that we see coming toward us. God is doing that. And, the single biggest topic about the Last Days is this one:

The Redemption of Israel

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The Trouble With Jacob’s Trouble

Have you ever seen someone try to fit a mattress into a Honda Civic?

Right. It can’t be done.

Unfortunately, we do the same thing in our beliefs about the Last Days. We take one of the biggest topics written about by the prophets and try to stick it into the Honda Civic of Eschatology – the tiny sliver of time that we call the Great Tribulation.

What is that huge topic spoken of by the prophets?

The Redemption of Israel.

That is a truly gigantic mattress to try and fit inside such a tiny car.

So, maybe we shouldn’t.

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