Zechariah Part 14

Zechariah chapter 14 is difficult to comprehend because it suffers from a really bad translation mistake. And, we tend to assume that it is part of the prophecy of Zechariah 12 and 13.

It isn’t.

Not even close.

It also makes Amillennialists and Postmillennialists very unhappy, since it kills their theory about how the Millennium plays out.

Yes, Virginia, there really is a God who will rule from Jerusalem.

However, challenges remain. And some of them will connect directly with what we’ve already looked at in other books.

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The Trouble With Jacob’s Trouble

Have you ever seen someone try to fit a mattress into a Honda Civic?

Right. It can’t be done.

Unfortunately, we do the same thing in our beliefs about the Last Days. We take one of the biggest topics written about by the prophets and try to stick it into the Honda Civic of Eschatology – the tiny sliver of time that we call the Great Tribulation.

What is that huge topic spoken of by the prophets?

The Redemption of Israel.

That is a truly gigantic mattress to try and fit inside such a tiny car.

So, maybe we shouldn’t.

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