The Red Horse Prepares To Ride

On Friday, I received news that I was hoping not to hear. At least, not for this year or any number of years after that. This news will take peace from the Earth, and that phrase should be familiar to you since that is the job of:

The Red Horse

And, the news that I was so reluctant to hear?

Saudi Arabia has hit its maximum oil production level at 12 million barrels a day.

You might not think that this is such a big problem, but you’ll understand why it’s big – when we’re finished talking about it.

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Gog And Magog – A Strategic Assessment

People have been wondering if the coming of Gog and Magog is imminent. It’s a simple question with a very complicated answer, and even if you are not curious about the timing of this vast invasion of Israel, you will still benefit from the discussion. For those of you who want the short answer, here it is:

Until Turkey and Iran are allies, Gog and Magog is impossible.

We seem to be a very long way from that moment, but the Devil is literally in the details. When those details change, watch out for the worst moment in human history since the Great Flood. (Only the Great Tribulation will be worse.)

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