Dear Infidels: A Warning to America

This brought back memories that I didn’t really want to relive. Like how you can tell the difference between a bomb and a sonic boom. When you hear three ambulance sirens, that it’s a terrorist attack. What an Apache helicopter sounds like, when it’s hovering over your apartment. Or when you are sitting in bed while the Tanzim militia are shooting up your neighborhood.

That was the Second Intifada, and the West isn’t ready for when it begins in Europe and then starts burning down the United States. And yes, that is exactly what’s going to happen, unless something changes.

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War In Israel – Again

I was going to write about something else today, but it seems that events have overtaken the need to talk about Bible translation or eschatology.

But wait, how do we know that this isn’t about eschatology?

Well, of course it is, and I’ve lived through some of what is happening now during the Second Intifada while I was living in Jerusalem. I assure you that this is nothing new, and it is all a part of God’s plan.

Unfortunately, it still hurts to see Israel and Israelis suffer. May God give them peace, and may the day when they recognize their Messiah come soon.

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