God Help Us. We’re Dead.

A civilization can survive almost anything, as long as its foundation remains unshaken. Take away its fundamental raison d’etre (reason for being), and it will die. Dissolve the glue that holds us together, and society falls apart.

That foundation, that reason for being, that glue… that made Western Civilization so successful …is gone. And, the final blow apparently came during the pandemic hysteria of the past three years.

Our Biblical world view has collapsed, and this means that our current civilization has finally died.

This might sound strange to some of you, so let me explain.

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Bad Eschatology And An Announcement

After getting both books out a month ago, I went looking for what other people believe about Last Days. It has been a fascinating journey through some really bad eschatology. Worse, very few seem to understand why they believe what they believe, and even fewer seem able to understand why people would disagree with their position. That’s bad.

Our pastors have not been giving us the tools to help us understand the Bible, to rightly divide the word of Truth (2 Tim 2:15). And, because we are unable to do so, Christianity has devolved into a team sport, where ours is always right and yours is heresy.

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Both Books Published On Amazon

Hi Everyone,

The wait is over!

I can finally announce that When Gog Comes and Ezekiel’s Fire have been published on Amazon, in paperback and on Kindle.

When Gog Comes: Correcting The Timeline Of The Last Days

Ezekiel’s Fire: The Great Solar Cataclysm Straight Out Of Prophecy

Those are links to the paperback version. You should be able to see the Kindle version from those links.

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Ezekiel’s Fire, 6th Edition

After more than ten years of writing and rewriting, Ezekiel’s Fire has finally reached its final version. It spells doom for our way of life. Stars just like our own are flashing brightly with civilization-killing superflares, thousands of times bigger than anything we’ve ever seen from our own sun.

These observations confirm what the Bible has been saying. For a moment, our sun will brighten by seven times, and a vast cloud of dust will sweep by earth, obscuring the stars and destroying our civilization. Unfortunately, that confirmation means that billions will die as every city, around the world is crushed in the biggest earthquake since The Great Flood.

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Revelation Six Is Coming

It has been a month since I posted anything, and a big part of the reason for that is:

Ezekiel’s Fire

Revelation Six

The last big edits for Ezekiel’s Fire are done and waiting to be uploaded. I have also begun recording the audio version. At the same time, I have been building up the technical foundation for the new direction that this ministry is taking.

For eleven years, I have been writing about when this moment would come. And now that it’s here, it’s time to focus on that.

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Global System Crash

Globalism is dying, and its collapse will kill a lot of people. We had hoped that it could limp along a little further, but Putin had other ideas. So, here we are.

Over the next few years at least a billion people will die of starvation and violence.

China will implode – losing half of its population over the next three decades.

War will sweep the globe.

The cost of everything will go up, and you will not be happy.

But, there is a silver lining for some of us – assuming that Peter Zeihan isn’t being too optimistic. And yes, I think that he might be.

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