Zechariah Part 4

Zechariah 3 gives us prophetic visions of the past and the future. It also raises a few questions and shows us when Zechariah began his ministry. And, we will yet again see a direct connection with the Book of Revelation, as well as a few interesting translation errors.

We will see one of the few conditional prophecies, as well as phrases that are hard to pin down. Timing is everything, and there are a couple of phrases here that I bet have tripped up many people.

Oh, and the unfulfilled prophecies database has a new home.

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A Prophecy Database

I have been working on a project for a few months that categorizes all the prophecies spoken by God through the prophets. The initial stage of this project is complete, and I am now getting ready to take a section of this database public.

I have been working against the clock on this, due to my uncertainty over how my Leukemia will progress. Praise God that this burden has been lifted from my shoulders, so I feel like I will be able to finish all phases of this project.

Details below.

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The Trouble With Jacob’s Trouble

Have you ever seen someone try to fit a mattress into a Honda Civic?

Right. It can’t be done.

Unfortunately, we do the same thing in our beliefs about the Last Days. We take one of the biggest topics written about by the prophets and try to stick it into the Honda Civic of Eschatology – the tiny sliver of time that we call the Great Tribulation.

What is that huge topic spoken of by the prophets?

The Redemption of Israel.

That is a truly gigantic mattress to try and fit inside such a tiny car.

So, maybe we shouldn’t.

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