The Middle East Turned Upside Down

The events of the last few weeks have changed the Middle East in ways that we might not fully understand until the dust settles. I believe that this will play a big role in the eventual coming of Gog and Magog. But, there are a few things that must happen first before we can be confident that this will be the case.

At the same time, I have been engaged in an effort to make what the prophets have said about the Redemption of Israel easier to see and understand. I hope to be rolling that out over the next few weeks, Lord Willing.

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Three Warnings

Over the past few days, I have seen three warning signs of trouble ahead. You will have seen none of them in the mainstream media. You won’t even have seen them in any of the ‘alternative’ media. In fact, you wouldn’t have ANY chance of seeing them, unless you were watching key information sources in two of the three areas we will talk about.

But, if the right people start making the right decisions, right now… we can avoid short term disaster. We might even avoid longer term disaster. Unfortunately, I don’t see any ‘right decisions’ being made.

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Dear Infidels: A Warning to America

This brought back memories that I didn’t really want to relive. Like how you can tell the difference between a bomb and a sonic boom. When you hear three ambulance sirens, that it’s a terrorist attack. What an Apache helicopter sounds like, when it’s hovering over your apartment. Or when you are sitting in bed while the Tanzim militia are shooting up your neighborhood.

That was the Second Intifada, and the West isn’t ready for when it begins in Europe and then starts burning down the United States. And yes, that is exactly what’s going to happen, unless something changes.

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Dengue Fever In My Neighborhood And A Prayer Request

Hey Everyone, I live in the middle of the hottest hot spot for mosquito-borne diseases in Taiwan – Tainan. There’s always someone, somewhere in Tainan that is coming down with Dengue Fever, Malaria or Japanese Encephalitis. It’s a thing. And when one or more cases show up in your neighborhood, the Taiwanese government goes in and sprays everything in each house in the area to kill off any and all mosquitoes. So, guess what just happened in our neighborhood? Right. Dengue Fever. That means the government will be spraying everything in our house with a pyrethroid agent. And, if any of you who knows how… um …third world the Taiwanese government can be, you cannot trust that they will be … Read more

War In Israel – Again

I was going to write about something else today, but it seems that events have overtaken the need to talk about Bible translation or eschatology.

But wait, how do we know that this isn’t about eschatology?

Well, of course it is, and I’ve lived through some of what is happening now during the Second Intifada while I was living in Jerusalem. I assure you that this is nothing new, and it is all a part of God’s plan.

Unfortunately, it still hurts to see Israel and Israelis suffer. May God give them peace, and may the day when they recognize their Messiah come soon.

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Why Israel?

Why do most Christians never ask the question?

Yes, I know that there are many, many Christians who love the Land of Israel and her people. It’s wonderful to see. But, few seem to step back and ask why.

Now, you aren’t a bad Christian if you don’t ask such questions, but there is a depth of meaning here that many of us forget, as we go about our lives seeking to serve God.

So, let’s ask the question:

Why Israel?

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The Trouble With Jacob’s Trouble

Have you ever seen someone try to fit a mattress into a Honda Civic?

Right. It can’t be done.

Unfortunately, we do the same thing in our beliefs about the Last Days. We take one of the biggest topics written about by the prophets and try to stick it into the Honda Civic of Eschatology – the tiny sliver of time that we call the Great Tribulation.

What is that huge topic spoken of by the prophets?

The Redemption of Israel.

That is a truly gigantic mattress to try and fit inside such a tiny car.

So, maybe we shouldn’t.

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